Yeah! It's Sunday again. Although the weather was kind of gloomy in the morning with little bit of drizzling now and then, it still did not put off our enthusiasm to today’s SuperSunday event that we have being looking forward too.
We arrived at the venue around 10.40am after our usual Sunday service, and was surprised to be greeted with a cute “walking carrot” that is so adorable, and as well as irresistible by most of the kids at the event.
I was there just in time to caught sight of how the chefs from One-Ninety's restaurant of Four Seasons Hotel serving their “Organic Roast Lamb” which is one of the item available at their Sunday Champagne Brunch.
This Rhug Estate's award-winning lamb comes from a 1,050-hectare organic farm in Wales that marries careful husbandry practices with animal welfare, to ensure delicious, healthy and safe meat. The roast lamb was marinated overnight with fresh rosemary herbs, olive oil, garlic and etc. It was roasted for 4 hours in 65°C of heat to keep the fat well distributed within the lamb and to ensure a tender, juicy roast.
The chefs filled each of the freshly baked pitta bread with some slices of roasted lamb meat, salad green, tomato and sauce that make it into a great snack and finger food. One thing that I would like to mention is, this roast lamb dish has indeed being very well prepared that even my mum whose dislike lamb meat due to it’s strong odor can’t even tell that she is eat lamb meat until I reveal the truth to her. So for those who don’t take lamb meat due to its strong odor, I can assure you this roast lamb is fantastic. If you are interested in roasting some perhaps you can try out the recipe HERE by courtesy of One-Ninety.
Other than enjoying the “Organic Roast Lamb, there is also another counter whereby you can sample some organic juices from the fresh fruits & vegetables available in store. Out of the 4 types of juices available, I have tried their “Super Antiox” which is a mixture of Apple, Carrot, Beetroots and Ginger. This is the 1st time I have tired adding “ginger” in fruit juice and I must admit it taste really wonderful, and with each proportion of the items being well mixed together the overall taste is not over power by the strong fragrance/taste from the ginger.
Another juice that I have tried their “Kale & Apple”, when I heard the word “kale” I was kind of like errrrrr…… but when I take a sip, I knew I was wrong about my conception. Surprisingly, the fragrance and sweetness of the apple in it has totally covered the vegetable taste and I am sure this will be a great juice for kids who dislike vegetables.
At the same counter where we get to sample the fruit juices, they also give out free milk to visitor whereby you can get a FREE pack of 1 litre pack Clover Organic Fresh Milk while stock last. In store, they also sell a few Clover products such as Organic Cream, Cottage Cheese and Yoghurt, which you might like to check them out too.
These are some of the Organic vegetable from Australia and Taiwan. Mum was surprised to find her favourite “White Bitter Gourd” that is imported from Taiwan. She has loved this “White Bitter Gourd” juice a lot during our recent trip to Taiwan and now she has found it here which cost about S$6.00 for 300g size. And from the photo, you can also notice that the Organic Fresh Lily Bulbs are different from the China type which is available in our local supermarket.
There are a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs available for your pick and if you are lucky, you can also find some interested items that you might not find in the local supermarket too. As you can see, the organic rosemary shown in the above photo at the bottom right corner rather different from the common one that we have in the local supermarket as well.
By the look of it, do you know what is this? I was kind of puzzle when I first look at it because it seems to be like “Burdock - 牛蒡” that is commonly found in supermarket or wet market. But the colour and outer texture seems rather different. So after some clarification from the store assistance, they confirmed that these are organic Burdock from Taiwan. Burdock has been used for centuries as a blood purifier clearing the bloodstream of some toxins as well as helping the body to get rid of excess water by increasing urine output. It is also a topical remedy for skin problems such as acne, eczema, rosacea and psoriasis.
Chocolate! I believed most of us love to have a piece or two of this to cheer up our day. No matter which type of chocolate that ranges from Dark to Milk to Nuts I am sure there is one that captures your taste buds. At the SuperSunday event, I saw this very attractive Organic Dark 70% praline filled mini chocolate eggs from Green & Black that reminds me of the past Easter Sunday treat. And apart from the mini eggs there are also a lot of different varieties of chocolate bars and snacks that are available in the store too.
Thanks Patricia from Club21 for the goodies bag that consists of a bag of Organic Red Apple and a pack of Clover Fresh Milk. Do give their fresh fruit a try, you will find that it really taste different from the normal one that we get from the supermarket. It is definitely much more sweeter and tastier.
Furthermore during the event, customers are able to pick up some discount items such as Potatoes for S$2.00/kg pack or a bag of 10 Apples for S$5.00 which usual price is at S$16.00 a pack. So do stay till for the next Super Sunday event on 25 July 2010 for more discount items available. 
21 Orchard Boulevard
#01-21/23 & 27 Park House
Singapore 248645
Tel:(65)6304 1338
Fax:(65)6735 0366
Email: sales@supernature.com.sg
Website: www.supernature.com.sg

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