Photos courtesy of BSH Home Appliances Pte Ltd
Christmas is approaching soon with the Lunar New Year just a month later. With all the roasting and baking to be done you might want to consider getting some help from the new Bosch Styline MUM 5 All-In-One Kitchen Machine. And in conjunction with your purchase Bosch is running an Original Recipe Contest, whereby 10 winners will stand a chance to win 100% reimbursement in their purchase as well as feature of their recipe in the Bosch Recipe Book. Best of all ONE of the lucky winner will also walk away with the above "Bosch Classic Edition Refrigerator" worth S$2,299.
Step 1: Purchase a Bosch MUM8, MUM5 kitchen machine or MCM 4 food processor (detail HERE)
(available at Courts, Harvey Norman, Best Denki (S) Pte Ltd,Carrefour Singapore Pte Ltd andRobinsons, The Centrepoint)
Step 2: Create your own original dessert using your Bosch MUM 54230.
Step 3: Submit your recipe and a picture of your creation HERE by 30th November 2011 for a chance to win.
Photos courtesy of BSH Home Appliances Pte Ltd
The new Bosch Styline MUM 5 All-In-One Kitchen Machine is equipped with proven Bosch technology that will enable even an inexperienced cook to prepare fabulous home-cooked food and goodies. The machine functions on an intuitive Bosch operating concept and the three-dimensional Multi-Motion Drive mixing system that ensures first-class pastry processing in mixing ingredients perfectly.
Photos courtesy of BSH Home Appliances Pte Ltd
Here is a complimentary recipes from Bosch where you can Indulge your guests with delectable brownies, an all-time favourite, made using the Bosch Styline MUM 5 Kitchen Machine.
(make: 20 x 30cm size tin | Preparation: 15 minutes | Cooking: 30 minutes)
100g Hazelnuts
250g Soft Butter
200g Icing Sugar
6 Eggs (medium)
175g Plain Flour
100g Ground Hazelnuts
60g Cocoa Powder
3 Tablespoons Ground Espresso Coffee
100g Dark Chocolate
Method:-1. Preheat the oven to 200°C (fan oven 180°C). Roast the hazelnuts on a baking tray in the oven for approximately 10 minutes.
2. Take the nuts out of the oven, gently rub the shells with a kitchen towel, and allow them to cool down. Reduce the oven temperature to 180°C (fan oven 160°C).
3. Use the blender attachment. Coarsely chop the hazelnuts and then the chocolate (separately).
4. In the mixing bowl, beat the butter and sugar together for 5 minutes until fluffy. Sit in the eggs one after the other.
5. Stir the nuts, chocolate, flour, ground nuts and espresso powder into the egg and butter mixture.
6. Line brownie tin with a broad strip of greaseproof paper. Transfer the mixture to the tin and smooth over. Place it on the second lowest rack in the oven for 30-35 minutes.
7. Remove the tin from the oven and allow it to cool completely. Remove the brownies from the tin, cutting them lengthways into rectangles or small squares.
8. For a touch of Christmas magic, dust with icing sugar.
If you are looking for a new mixer this coming festive season or you have already owned a set of this Bosch MUM 5, remember to send in your "secret" recipe to stand a chance to win the fabulous Bosch Classic Edition Refrigerator shown above. More detail at Bosch official website HERE.

Sounds good but I rather stick with my old faithful Kenwood! It has served me for 26 yrs and with no problem. I wanted to change a new one but it just don't let me. hehe