Usually during a month or so before Chinese New Year, there will be a lot of places selling all kinds of imported flowers or plants from China and the neighbouring countries like Taiwan, Malaysia and etc. Flower nurseries/gardens will bring in all kinds of auspicious flowers/plants to welcome a new head start of the year.
Every year for about the past 5 years or so, there is always a mini "Flower Fair" which showcase more than 50 different types of flowers/potted plants from the neighbouring countries. And each year the whole market area will be crowded with people of all ages who comes to admire or buying these plants. And only on occasion like this we are able to see all kind of festive flowers that brings up the atmosphere of the surrounding with their multi colourful petals.
So sorry that I can't named all the flowers/plants that appears in these photo because I am also not sure of their actual name. But all these beautiful flower can't resists my intention to share with all the readers on the coming Chinese New Year mood.
From this photo, you can see some of the common Chinese New Year plants that can be easily found in most household during New Year visit. "Pussy willows - 銀柳" which is in the middle are well known for it white or silvery buds that are silky and when they blooms it will emerald green leaves sprout that gives it a new lease of life to which it will symbolise a new beginning, prosperity and signs of growth. These are usually sold in bunches of different length or colour which will look great in a long vase.
Next you can see pots of, "Mandarin Oranges - 柑" that comes in different sizes. Some belief that the bigger it is , the bigger it represents bigger opportunities, it also speaks of sweet success too. During Chinese New Year, everyone who goes to house visiting/greetings will accompanied with a pair of oranges which is a traditional practice among the Chinese. It symbolises "Gold" and all the good wishes for the new year.
Other than the two main plants, you can also see "Red Radish" which symbolised "Good Luck - 好采头" and "Lucky Bamboo - 开运竹" which represent a harmonious balance of all the five elements of nature -" water, fire, earth, wood and metal".
Other than the usual Chinese New Year plants, some businessman or folks also love to get Pomegranate plants which some believed that they can use it's stalk of leaves to cast away evil spirits or bring them "Good Luck". And a pot of 3Ft or above Pomegranate plant might cost up to S$100 during this Chinese New Year season. But so far, I don't really see they bear any big fruits of those kind that is sold in the supermarket. Next popular on the flower might be the "Orchid" plants around the flower fair but I am not sure what special meaning it has for the New Year. Maybe those of you know any clue on this can drop me a note to share with us.
Other than the flower fair which is near our area, we also visit the "Flower Nurseries" along Thomson Road area. Everyone of us feel so excited with the Chinese New Year atmosphere with all these colourful New Year flowers/plants. There are at least about 4 nurseries along the stretch of road, so do drop by before Chinese New Year which falls on 14 February 2010 to embrace yourself with all these wonderful sight.
Look at this set of combination, I love those pots of "tiny daisy" which look like little smiling faces that can easily brighten up your days. I am not sure what is the name of the colourful flower that is shown on the bottom left. This pot comes with a bunch of very colourful tiny flowers that really caught my attention at 1st sight. And when you take a closer look, you can also find the a pot each of the red and white cherry blossom from the photo.
From the 1st picture on the left, you can see the "Nepenthes" being decorated with New Year decorations. But Rey was much more interested on the wall of "Ferns" which comes in different colour and types. Along the way while admiring those potted tangerine, we spotted 3 interesting plant. The one shown on the bottom left look like a "huge hand" which is called the "Yellow Lotus Plant". Second on the row, is the "Ling Zhi - 灵芝". At the first glance, we still thought it is not a real plant because we hardly see any real Ling Zhi around in Singapore. And this pot of Ling Zhi cost around S$90+. As for the last picture on the right, it has a very unique name which called "Nipple Fruit" which is similar to tomato family.
So... why not join in the Chinese New New countdown and immersed yourself in the festive season Flower Fair.....

The bottom left picture of the last collage is actually a banana flower, not a yellow lotus ^^